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As a physical therapist, I am frequently asked by patients, “Is this a good form of exercise?” or “I’ve been walking a lot, but I can’t seem to lose weight.” Walking is something we do every day, but how much is enough? I find that people are unaware of how much they are moving throughout the day, even if time is set aside to exercise.  In 2021, most people are carrying a smart phone in their pocket for the majority of the day and the rest have smart watches that track steps. Phones today have pedometers, and some have accelerometers installed to their hardware. Pedometers are basic devices that track the number of steps someone takes while the device is on their person. Accelerometers are a little more involved and have the ability to track flights of stairs climbed or the intensity of a movement based on how fast the individual is moving. This data can be used by someone to track how active they are by simply opening an app on their phone. The catch is that you have to be proactive and monitor your steps! Want to download an app to track your steps? Here are the top 10 step counter apps to meet your fitness goals.

Most people have heard that 10,000 steps per day is a recommended daily value. This golden number has been shown to have effects on waist measurements, body mass index (BMI), and mood. To some, 10,000 steps may seem like an impossibility, especially when they become aware of how much they are actually moving or NOT moving. It has been found that 65% of people report they meet this recommended value, but when asked to carry an accelerometer, only 5% of those people actually met the mark. I have often asked patients to open their apps to see how many steps they take in a day and I have seen numbers varying from 1,200-4,200 steps, far from that 10K. So how can someone get to 10,000 steps? I suggest that becoming aware of your step count is a good place to start, then increase by 10% each week. A 10% increase is a safe progression for individuals to build up walking and running distance.

What if increasing your step count for weight loss is not your goal you ask? Increasing step count has been shown to improve cardiovascular function as well as decrease muscle/joint pain. Studies show that achieving 10,000 steps/day in bouts of >20 min of movement has been shown to improve blood vessel function in older adults.  Muscle and joint pain are a hot topic, especially with the ramifications of the opioid crisis, patients being left out to dry in the process. Will walking completely eliminate a person’s pain? Probably not but studies show that increasing step count by an average of 1950 steps/day over a 12-week period (3 months) was shown to improve patient-reported pain scores and physical function.

All in all, increasing a person’s step count is a great starting point when trying to take responsibility for one’s overall health. One study showed that it may even have a trickle-down effect to their children; children who performed less than 5 min/day of vigorous physical activity are 4x more likely to be classified as overweight compared to their peers who performed 15 min/day. That 15 min/day is equivalent to 4,000-5,000 steps that children should acquire while at school!  Influencing our children could have a resounding effect of the future health of our country and decrease burden on the health care system.

Now you just need to decide what motivates you to increase your steps. A few suggestions include:  finding a buddy, walking your dog an extra time each day, walking to nearby errands, or having a contest with a friend or family member. If you like the idea of the Fitbit or other tracking device, go for it!  You can also join several online walking programs. “Walk of Life 10 Week program” offers a newsletter, regular lessons, nutrition and recipe tips, along with an online community forum.  Another free website is “America on the Move,” which offers a way to chart your steps and track your progress.

If you have questions or concerns, connect with an Elite physical therapist to help set up a plan that is right for you to prevent injury and help you meet your goals! Summer is here, let’s get stepping!

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