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PLANTAR FASCIITIS – Did you know we TREAT it?

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the fibrous band of tissue on the bottom of your foot. It extends from the heel to the toes and supports your arch and the muscles. This condition can be caused by wearing shoes with poor arch support or can be brought on suddenly with a new activity such as hiking or running.


  • Heel pain
  • Stiffness and arch pain usually at its worst in the morning or after resting
  • Pain that gets worse when you stand on your toes or ascend stairs
  • Pain at the beginning of the exercise, gets better or goes away during the exercise but then comes back when the exercise is completed.


Our physical therapists at Elite can help with identifying muscles that are weak, tight, too strong (compensating) and address balance and instability issues. We can provide exercises and stretches while educating you in regards to proper footwear, orthotics, ice, massage, therapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, manual therapy techniques, strengthening and stretching exercises so that you can get back on your feet again! LITERALLY!

Since we offer direct access, treatment can start immediately – you do not need a referral to start feeling better!

Call 318-443-3311 TODAY for an evaluation.

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